We also have had this massive credit binge in China, perhaps the largest in economic history. 它可能是经济史上规模最大的信贷扩张。
Furthermore, while my previous speech proceeded from the perspective of the economic history of Western Europe and America, this paper takes Chinas socialist economy as its focus and background. 此外,前一篇文章是从西欧和美国经济史的角度进行考察的,本文则以当前我国社会主义经济作为考察的对象。
The revisions will significantly change the official size and shape of the UK economy and rewrite recent economic history. 这些修改将显著改变英国经济的正式规模和构成,并将改写近年的经济史。
The success of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum Beijing Summit in2006 opened a new chapter in China-Africa economic history. 2006年中非合作论坛北京峰会的成功召开,揭开了中非经贸关系新的一页。
What I call The Great Enrichment is the main fact and finding of economic history. 我所称的大富裕(GreatEnrichment)是经济历史的主要事实和发现。
Business history split off from economic history in the U.S.A. in 1920s. 在20年代美国又将企业史从经济史中分化出来。
Economic history is the history of shocks and their management. 经济史就是经济冲击和管理冲击的历史。
As a student of economic history, you understand this. 你是学经济史的,理解这一点。
We know from economic history that countries enter into longish phases of stagnation after a financial crisis. 经济史告诉我们,一国在经历金融危机之后会进入较长的经济停滞阶段。
The historians 'early interest in cliometrics partly reflects the impact of two important works in America's economic history. 历史学家们早期对计量历史学的兴趣部分地反映了美国经济史方面两部重要论著的影响。
Trend of Contemporary Foreign Research on Chinese Economic History: Based on a Summary of Chinese Studies Abroad 当代国外中国经济史研究的发展趋势&基于《国外社会科学》的综述
In the economic history, incentive problems came with work dividing and transaction. 内容提要在经济历史中,劳动分工与交易的出现带来了激励问题。
Cliometrics is a cross-disciplinary subject that applies the methods of economic theory and quantitative analysis to the study of economic history. 历史计量学是一门将经济理论和定量分析方法运用于历史研究,特别是经济史研究的交叉学科。
Effects on the Emergence and Development of Economic History from Economics, History and Sociology: a Historical Perspective 经济学、历史学、社会学对经济史产生和发展的影响:一种历史角度的考察
Most of the books on the list constitute, in my view ( and others), modern classics, or potential classics, in social and economic history. 我(其他人也一样)认为列表中的大部分书籍组成了社会和经济历史领域中当代或潜在的一流作品。
Both are routes to personal enrichment and the tension between them has been a dominant theme of economic history. 两种途径均可实现个人致富,二者之间的紧张一直是经济史上最突出的主题。
Retrospect and Prospect of the Studies of Economic History in Modern China since the Reform and Opening-up 改革开放以来中国近代经济史研究的回眸与前瞻
He lectured on colonial economic history at the University of exeter. 他在埃克塞特大学讲殖民地经济史。
For me, this has evolved as a mixture of history, economics, economic history, finance, law, politics and government, and psychology. 对我而言,对政策的兴趣已经演变成对历史、经济学、经济史、金融、法律、政治和政府,以及心理学的综合兴趣。
This criticism apart, Mandel offers a timely, readable, and wide-ranging review of recent economic history. 曼德尔,除了这些责难之外,对当前的经济史,还给出了一个及时的、可读的、更加广泛的观点。
From the perspective of economic history, a revolution overthrew the monarchy, the feudal economy has shaken the foundation of a strong impetus to the development of capitalism in China. 从经济史的角度看,辛亥革命推翻了帝制,动摇了封建的经济基础,有力推动了中国资本主义的发展。
Yes, this was just possible, but it would have been the first time in economic history. 是的,这确实有可能,但经济史中尚未出现过。
She has written extensively on economic history and the history of economic thought. 她撰写了大量有关经济史和经济思想史的著作和论文。
Since the opening up to the outside world, the Chinese economic model has been creating wonders in the global economic history and formed its own essential characteristics. 改革开放以来,形成中的有中国特色的经济发展模式创造了世界经济发展史上奇迹;正在形成中的有中国特色的经济发展模式的已具有六个方面的本质特征;
One of the most important events in modern economic history occurred five years ago today when China joined the World Trade Organisation. 五年前的12月11日,发生了现代经济史上最重要的事件之一:中国加入了世界贸易组织(WTO)。
Theoretically speaking, researches in Chinese economic history need conformity and innovation. 中国经济史研究需要理论的整合与创新。
Almost all of this increase was in emerging countries who have engaged in what is surely the biggest "self-insurance" programme in world economic history. 几乎所有的这些增长都发生在新兴国家,这些国家参加了肯定是世界经济史上最大的“自我保险”计划。
After the new economic history entry into China, it evokes the conflict between the economics paradigm and history paradigm in the research of economic history. 新经济史学引入中国后,引发了中国经济史研究中的史学范式与经济学范式的冲突。
The Figuration and End-result of Economic Man Conception in Economic History 经济人概念在经济史中的成形及归宿
The political and economic environment in which Marx wrote was a brief interlude in economic history. 马克思创作《资本论》时的政治和经济环境,在经济史上只是一个短暂的插曲。